Saturday, September 25, 2010

Windmills on my way home.....:: Indianapolis Photographer

On my way home from the Chicago Nephcure walk last weekend, I stopped at my parents house to drop off my little sister.  It was her 12th birthday, and as a gift, I took her to Chicago for a "girls night out".  She, by the way, had a fantastic time.  At one point she even said, "This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me."  My.  Heart.  Melted. 

Anyway, after I dropped her off, I started heading home, but the sunset was turning out to be interesting, and the Horizon Wind Farm was right there, so I took a drive to try and get some purrrty pictures.  You cannot possible grasp the size of these things from my pictures...I mean, they are ENORMOUS.  I was driving through the little access roads to get some of these photos (hey, they weren't restricted or anything!).  Not all of them were running, so I stopped my car under one that wasn't running to get a photo.  But as I'm standing there, I hear the motor turn on, and I'm so freaked out that I high-tail it back to my Jeep and drive off.  Funny in hindsight, but there's no way I wanna be underneath on of those things when they're twirling away.  Here's a lovely You-Tube video to illustrate why, in case you haven't already seen it:

I think of that video every time I see these things.  It's like another world.  I grew up around there, and to see all of the windmills dotting the landscape makes me happy and sad at the same time.  Happy because Indiana's FINALLY EMBRACING SOMETHING GOOD.  But sad because they're spoiling the landscape I'm familiar with.  It may seem boring to most (and it was to me for a long time too), but I've grown a great appreciation for the flatness of the land up there.  And now it's nearly impossible to take a photo without a giant windmill poking out from someone's head!  :)  Oh well, guess you gotta take the good with the bad, right?  Anyway, enjoy the photos...

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Julie said...

Beautiful pictures!

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