Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jill Goode O'Neil 5K Run/Walk photos :: Indianapolis Event Photographer

On August 14th, I had the honor of being able to photograph the 1st annual Jill Goode O'Neil 5K Run/Walk in Avon.  There was a wonderful turnout of people to support Jill and her family as she continues to battle cancer.

I met Jill at work...she was a phlebotamist there, and since I get lab work done quite frequently due to my kidney disease, we became friends.  It wasn't until 2 years ago that I even knew Jill had cancer.  Here I was, always complaining about my situation, and there she was, fighting this horrible disease.  she is such an amazing, warm, giving person...always concerned about others.  She's incredible!

Anyway, I had a lot of fun being able to hang out with Jill this day, as well as witnessing the support that Jill has.  Very humbling...Here are a few photos from the event...if you'd like to see more, please go to my website, and under "featured" there's a gallery of photos from this event.



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