Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Indiana Nephcure Walk - October 16, 2010

Hi all!  This post will be short (and completely unrelated to photography :), but it's VERY important to me.  I'd like for you to visit my personal blog (www.thetrunksjunk.blogspot.com) where I've written a post about my kidney disease, and walk we're having on October 16th to raise money and awareness for Nephcure, the only organization dedicated to finding a cure for FSGS and nephrotic syndrom.  Please, visit my personal blog and consider donating.  There's a convenient link at the top of this page, and there is also a link on my personal blog.

Or, better yet, visit this site and register for the walk and participate WITH me.  Create your own team and spearhead your own fundraising effort, or join my team (Team Lilla Loppan) and donate.  Either way is great, but I'd LOVE to see you there!
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