Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2010 Relay for Life photos :: Indianapolis Event Photographer

o, as I've mentioned before, I had the honor of photographing the 2010 Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society this year.  It was a couple of weeks ago, and I feel bad that it's taken me so long to post photos from it, but there were just soooo many to choose from.  In fact, I decided that, since there were so many, that I'd just make a slideshow out of the photos, that way no one has to click through the whole post (which was, at one point, was up to 81 photos!  ;)  Enjoy!!!

If anyone would like to see the individual images, please go to my website, select "featured" and you'll see the Relay for Life event.  Click on that and a slideshow will start of the individual photos.
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