Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Riley Children's Hospital Cancer Survivor's Celebration - Oct 2, 2010

When I woke up this particular morning, I was thinking that it wasn't going to be such a great day.  For the first time in WEEKS it was raining.  Cool, cloudy, overcast, rainy....not exactly a great day for an outdoor event.  But you know what?  I was completely wrong?  Because seeing these kids...these awesome little fighters...seeing the excitement and happiness on their faces made this a WONDERFUL day.

I wanted to personally thank Charlotte Mahin, the organizer of the event, for allowing me to be a part of your day.  It was truly special, and I hope to participate again.

I put together a little slideshow highlight the day's events.  If you'd like to see more photos from the event, please visit my website.  WARNING..there are a LOT of photos there...:)  Enjoy!

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