Monday, August 2, 2010

Cute cute dogs!!!! :) Indianapolis Photographer

On Saturday I photographed the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Event downtown.  I have a bunch of great photos from that, but I'm still working through them so they'll be in a post soon to follow.

I did, however, HAVE to get these out for you to see.  I'm a sucker for a cute face with whiskers, and you will be too when you see these! 

This is Oscar.  I saw him while I was taking a lunch break at The Elbow Room, and I asked his parents if I could take a few photos.  Look at that face!!!

This little  4-month old cutie is named Sam..and I met Sam's owners at the Relay for Life event.

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Dog Fences said...

You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

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