Thanks to Rita from Coffee Shop Photography for helping me design this blog! She did a fantastic job! There are a few things that I need to add to the blog and I wanted to do that before I put it out there for everyone to see, but I figured that everyone will be OK if it's not perfect (I, on the other hand, may go a bit batty until I get it all "done" :). So here it photography blog.
I've thought a lot about how I want to use this blog, and quite frankly, about a zillion thoughts have floated through my head these last few months. I haven't come to any specific conclusions...guess we'll just see how this goes, but I'm open to any suggestions!
But I can tell you that, by reading this blog, you're going to get a very good sense of who I am and how I feel about photography. There will be entries completely unrelated to Lilla Loppan Photography. I think its important for you to get to know me, and this is a great forum to do that.
I hope to get a Facebook fan page going in the very near future too. And please, if you like this blog, add it to your blog roll, or sign up for RSS feeds!
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