Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wow! I've been pretty quiet over here!

I've had this blog for a few months now, but haven't quite figured out how I want to use it.  See, with me, I always want everything to be perfect before I jump in, but that sometimes stops me from doing anything, which is what's been happening with this.
Thanks to Rita from Coffee Shop Photography for helping me design this blog!  She did a fantastic job!  There are a few things that I need to add to the blog and I wanted to do that before I put it out there for everyone to see, but I figured that everyone will be OK if it's not perfect (I, on the other hand, may go a bit batty until I get it all "done" :).  So here it photography blog.
I've thought a lot about how I want to use this blog, and quite frankly, about a zillion thoughts have floated through my head these last few months.  I haven't come to any specific conclusions...guess we'll just see how this goes, but I'm open to any suggestions!
But I can tell you that, by reading this blog, you're going to get a very good sense of who I am and how I feel about photography.  There will be entries completely unrelated to Lilla Loppan Photography.  I think its important for you to get to know me, and this is a great forum to do that.
I hope to get a Facebook fan page going in the very near future too.  And please, if you like this blog, add it to your blog roll, or sign up for RSS feeds!
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